SaaS & APIs: Offering access to tools and software on demand. Any-where. Any-time. Any-device.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Offering access to tools and software on demand.

Any-where. Any-time. Any-device.

Subscription-based, cloud services.

Why do we build as SaaS?

Offereing software as a service allows our customers to purchase subscriptions on demand, apply customizations to their instance and also benefitting from global rollouts of new features and functionality as they become availible.
Offereing software as a service allows us to scale our platforms faster and more easily to continuously improve the experience and the toolset.
What have we built already?
Inventive Response currently offers 3 SaaS subscriptions:
  • RECES: Reporting and Evaluation of Clinical Education and Skills
  • PROMPT: Peer Review of Medical Patient Treatments
  • Protrainer Tool: Online Fitness Management and Reporting
More Information
About Us
Inventive Response LLC develops software and IT solutions for government entities and private industry to reduce costs, streamline and digitize processes and help organizations conform to regulatory compliance.
DUNS: 078718523
1820 W Carson St.
Suite 202
Torrance, CA 90501
TEL: 888-900-1219
512110 - Motion Picture and Video Production
519120 - Libraries and Archives (Digital Asset Management)
541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 – Computer Systems Design Services
541513 – Computer Facilities Management Services
541519 – Other Computer Related Services
541990 – All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
611430 – Professional & Mgmt. Development Training