FAA (LevelFlight): Pilot, Aircraft and Operations Management. Automated. Efficient. Effective.


Pilot, Aircraft and Operations Management

Automated. Efficient. Effective.

An application for 91 and 135 operators.


American Airlines Pilot Michael Origel contacted us about creating a revised version of an existing application he and a previous partner had developed to help 91 and 125 operations manage their operations, facilitate flight quoting and enable FAA compliance. As Founder and Managing Director of Airline Cert, Inc, Origel had already developed a successful business producing and managing FAA compliance manuals for his Clients. He noticed that his Clients needed a world wide web application to manage their operations, pilot and aircraft maintenance compliance as well as their primary business of selling flights. The first iteration of Level Flight was ground-breaking but was not achieving its intended goal in an optimal manner. Origel reached out to us to create a whole new platform from the ground up.
The Issue.
The existing platform was not adequately facilitating compliance and management of:
  • Human Resource management.
    • Profiles for pilots, co-pilots, flight attendants.
    • A configurable mapping was designed facilitating an approval workflow and communication protocol between recruiter and their assigned flight chief (configurably CC'd to the Senior Trainer).
    • Document repository and date-based compliance management for pilot and operation certifications.
  • A configurable mapping was designed facilitating an approval workflow and communication protocol between recruiter and their assigned flight chief (configurably CC'd to the Senior Trainer).
  • Date-based and mileage-based compliance management for Aircraft maintenance.
  • Flight-hours-based compliance management for pilots, co-pilots and flight attendants.
  • Flight plan quoting that accounted for aircraft compliance, and human resource flight time compliance (pilots, co-pilots and flight attendants).
All of the aforementioned data points needed to be mapped such that the operation could function in a coordinated and compliant manner and, more importantly, the FAA-rep for that operation needed to be able to easily log into the system and verify compliance of the operation for every requirement.
The Solution.
Built and implemented a publicly accessible Website, secured by login authentication:
  • Each pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant, mechanic, operations manager and FAA-rep was given authentication credentials.
  • A massive data mapping was created to facilitate all the points between aircraft and flight, between flight and human resource, and between human resource and certifications.
  • A mechanism was created to document flight times of an aircraft that would initiate updated calculations of aircraft mileage and human resource flight times.
  • A report suite exists to allow for the generation of customized status and compliance reports based on permissions.
Client: Federal Aviation Administration & 91/135 Operations
Date: September 12, 2016
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Inventive Response LLC develops software and IT solutions for government entities and private industry to reduce costs, streamline and digitize processes and help organizations conform to regulatory compliance.
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